Career Day 2015

A staff and student favorite during our 5-week summer program is Career Day – a full day dedicated to helping our middle school students learn about the different career paths available to them with a college degree.

Career Day is also special for us here at First Graduate® because of all the love and support we receive from our corporate partners. This year 9 organizations participated in Career Day, including Accenture, Airbnb, BiRite, DigitasLBi, Hub, Gap, PG&ESan Francisco Public Utilities Commission, and Timbuk2.

Each organization hosted a small group of students and led demonstrations of a “day in the life” of their job, gave offices tours, allowed student to job shadow, and held “business lunches” where students could talk to employees about their jobs and how they got there.

Thank you to all our corporate partners and their employees for taking the time to meet with our students!

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