Coach 3.0 Celebration

This week we celebrated another successful semester of the Coach 3.0 program. Coaches and their students gathered at the First Graduate® office to celebrate their successes from the past semester. They also showcased their competitive spirit through trivia and Minute to Win it games, such as “Reaching for the A”, “Transfer Credits”, and “College Distraction”.

What is Coach 3.0?
Coach 3.0 is a First Graduate® 1:1 coaching program that strategically matches a college student to a volunteer Coach with the goal of helping the student reach a cumulative GPA of 3.0. This program is available to all First Graduate® college students. The coaching will take place in-person, over the phone, and/or through virtual chats.

Again, special thank you to all the Coach 3.0s for supporting First Graduate® college students with their academics in the Fall!

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