College Essay Recap

Every year FG high school seniors participate in college essay coaching workshops where they are connected with an FG volunteer who works with them during the beginning stages of their college essays. During these sessions, the volunteers help the students find ways to authentically tell their stories and highlight their strengthens–in under 400 words!

FG Volunteers focus on affirming the experiences students have and the stories they choose to share.

So what’s next? Seniors will continue dropping into our office for support sessions for the rest of October and November. With the help of our FG volunteers, the review, writing, and editing process will continue until the seniors submit their college applications on November 14th.

Once students submit their college applications our HS Team will continue working with them and their families as they complete and submit their FAFSA and find scholarships that will offset the cost of college tuition. In April and May, our team will also sit down with each student and family to review their college acceptance letters and financial aid packages while advising them on the school(s) that are the best fit because student loan debt is no joke.

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