What Our Students Did on Their Summer “Vacation” (AKA College Day 2019)

Besides participating in a 5-week summer academic program offered in collaboration with Aim High, First Graduate® middle school students visited UC Berkeley and the University of San Francisco for College Day. For many, and for the parents who accompanied the students, it was the first time visiting a university campus.

At USF, they were greeted by Adolfo, one of our students beginning his Sophomore year in college. Adolfo and his peers are changing the world from SF!

At UC Berkeley, Board member Jenny Kao welcomed our students, and shared her college story (Go Bears!). Then, Aldo, himself a first generation college Junior majoring in Political Science, RA, and all-around university lore expert, led the students around campus to see 4.0 Hill, the Nobel Laureate parking area, the Campanille, and some of the 25 libraries as well as major buildings housing different colleges.

Food for thought was college size, location, majors available, diversity, dorm life, and sports. And then, of course there was pizza.

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