Game Night with the Golden State Warriors

A big THANK YOU to the Golden State Warriors Foundation, Warriors leading scorer and reigning MVP Stephen Curry, and Warriors coach Steve Kerr for donating tickets and giving our students the chance to see their hometown heroes in action.

The kids were besides themselves when they found out. In all, 12 high school students and 3 college students braved BART, the crowds, and the stormy weather to make it to Oracle Arena. For 11 of them it was the first time they had ever been to a professional basketball game.

The night was magical – it was pouring outside and inside the team was mercilessly raining down three pointers on their opponents. The game was neck-and-neck until the Warriors pulled away in the 4th quarter to seal their victory over the Oklahoma City Thunder.

As we walked back to the BART the students were giddy and star struck.

Thank you Warriors!

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First Graduate® has helped more than 600 students in San Francisco to access college, with 75% of applicants graduating within six years.

Alumni Spotlight: Alex Lazo

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