High School Choice Fair

One of the first challenges First Graduate helps students and families overcome on their path towards a college degree is choosing and applying to high school. To help make the process a little less stressful, we held a High School Choice Fair last weekend that over 80 students and families attended.

During the fair, students and parents heard from representatives from high schools across San Francisco. The purpose was to expose them to what different types of schools (public, private, charter, religious, etc) look like, what programs they offer, what types of support they can provide.

This year we had principals, counsellors, teachers, and admissions staff from the following school participate:

– Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep


– Immaculate Conception Academy

– Wallenberg High School

– Lick Wilmerding

– Lincoln High School

– University High School

 Students also heard from First Graduate® high school students volunteers who helped present on their experience at different schools.

In the coming weeks, students and parents will meet with First Graduate® staff to discuss what they learned at the fair, to answer questions, and develop a plan for applying to high schools.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the event, especially our community partners and our dedicated student volunteers.

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Alex grew up in a struggling San Francisco community. His school had poor test scores, and Alex and the other students had to deal with racism even within the school community.


Saying “no” to hate and racism

Dear Friends, First Graduate® has been active on Twitter because we believed that the platform was a good way to connect with our community–our students, our donors, our partners, and our volunteers. It has become clear lately that hate, racism, and sanctioned disinformation endanger the lives of people everywhere and we can not continue legitimizing