Interview Workshops with DigitasLBi Volunteers

Earlier this month over 50 volunteers from DigitasLBi, a global marketing and technology company, spent the day providing our 8th grade students with a day of career and interviewing advice. Volunteers met one-on-one with students to provide first-account tips and insights as they prepare for their high school interview process.

Thank you DigitasLBi for all your support and your dedication to our students!

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Despite how difficult they can be to get, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of scholarships. Especially for a first-generation student, a scholarship can be the difference between being able to go to college and not.


Despite how difficult they can be to get, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of scholarships. Especially for a first-generation student, a scholarship can be the difference between being able to go to college and not.


First Graduate® has helped more than 600 students in San Francisco to access college, with 75% of applicants graduating within six years.