Scholarship Recipients Attend Giants vs. Dodgers

16 students from FG12 and FG13 attended the Giants v. Dodgers baseball game at AT&T Park here in San Francisco on September 14.

First Graduate® at Giants Game

Youth Opportunity Scholarships (YOS), which offers up to $500 of scholarship for middle school students to pursue an extracurricular activity, sponsored the event and hosted a tailgate before the game. First Graduate® YOS scholarship recipients were invited to this celebratory event along with 80 other scholarship recipients from partner organizations such as Breakthrough, Aim High, and Girls Inc.

This year nearly 40 First Graduate® students received funding from YOS to take classes in activities such as dance, karate, yoga, music, and photography.

Although the Dodgers won (4-2), the students still had a great time rooting for the San Francisco Giants!

AT&T Park

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