Sophomore Advisory @ Funding Circle

A big “thank you” to Manali Patel and all the folks at Funding Circle for hosting a special advisory session with our high school students. Manali reached out to First Graduate® and asked for ways to get more involved with our students (we love it when that happens!) and we were thrilled to link them up with our sophomores.

At this point in their high school education, our students are really starting to think about different career options available to them and what steps they need to take now to reach them. First Graduate® encourages and helps our students to explore career options through summer internships, but we know that before the internship (or the job for that matter) comes the interview. And that’s where our volunteers make such an impact.

During the advisory around 20 volunteers from Funding Circle sat down with our students to help them develop and practice those all-important soft skills that can make or break an interview – the perfect resume and a comfort with networking. The students had a blast and all of them walked away fully prepared for the upcoming Summer Opportunities Fair where recruiters from 28 organizations will be on hand to speak with students about possibilities for summer internships, jobs, and learning opportunities.

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Despite how difficult they can be to get, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of scholarships. Especially for a first-generation student, a scholarship can be the difference between being able to go to college and not.


First Graduate® has helped more than 600 students in San Francisco to access college, with 75% of applicants graduating within six years.

Black History Month 2023

First Graduate® has helped more than 600 students in San Francisco to access college, with 75% of applicants graduating within six years.