Spotlight on our Corporate Sponsors – PG&E

PG&E was recently named to The Civic 50 list for the third year in a row in honor of all the company’s philanthropic efforts. In 2013 PG&E gave out grants totaling $23 million to over 1,300 charitable organizations, and PG&E employees raised more than $6.5 million and volunteered more than 48,000 hours to improve the communities where they work and live.

From the countless PG&E employees who volunteer with First Graduate® (including the current president of our Board of Directors, Dinyar Mistry) to their sponsorship of major events such as Cap & Gown and Exploring the Possibilities, we couldn’t do what we do without corporate sponsors like PG&E.

First Graduate® is proud to work closely with PG&E and their dedicated employees.

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