Summer Opportunities Fair

At this year’s First Graduate® Summer Opportunities Fair, we invited 28 local organizations to set up tables and chat with 100 of our high school students about different summer internships, jobs, and learning opportunities available to them.

The fair is the definition of a win-win situation.

It’s a great way for our partner organizations to find student candidates to fill summer internship positions, and it’s a great way for our students to begin exploring the myriad of career opportunities that will be available to them once they obtain their college degree.

The fair is also a great opportunity (and for many students their first opportunity) to put into practice all the networking skills they’ve learned and to finally start handing out the resumes they’ve spent so long perfecting.

The excitement in the air was palpable as students ran from table to table asking questions and recruiters furiously collected stacks of applications and resumes.

A huge thank you to the Nob Hill Masonic Center, who hosted the event and tabled as well, and to all the organizations that participated. It was an amazing event and we can’t wait to do it again next year!

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