Thank You Donors & Our Matching Gift Challenge


The holiday season has come and gone, and we are feeling so blessed here at First Graduate.

This year we were amazed at the generosity of our supporters – our year-end campaign raised $265,000 from over 120 donors. Gifts ranged from $5 to $7,500 and came from places near (like San Francisco) and far (like Singapore!).

As a way to recognize all our supporters we’ve created a Wall of Donors. Please take a minute to check it out and be sure to pat these folks on the back the next time you see them.

To celebrate this amazing news, First Graduate® our co-founder, Anaflor Graham, has thrown down the gauntlet and issued a $20,000 challenge grant. In other words, if we can raise an additional $20,000 by January 22, she will match those donations. If not, we have to offer to return the money.

This time of year is so important for non-profits like us because it helps us gauge how fast (or slow) we can grow our programming for the coming year. Your donations so far have allowed us to think and dream BIG about how we can grow to serve even more first generation students in San Francisco in 2015. Let’s dream BIGGER!


We already raised $20,000 with 2 days to spare – thank you all for making our work possible and allowing us (and all our students) to think BIG!

Thank you,



Terri Forman
Director of Development

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Alumni Spotlight: Alex Lazo

Alex grew up in a struggling San Francisco community. His school had poor test scores, and Alex and the other students had to deal with racism even within the school community.


Saying “no” to hate and racism

Dear Friends, First Graduate® has been active on Twitter because we believed that the platform was a good way to connect with our community–our students, our donors, our partners, and our volunteers. It has become clear lately that hate, racism, and sanctioned disinformation endanger the lives of people everywhere and we can not continue legitimizing