Video Highlights from Cap & Gown 2016

In case you missed Cap & Gown 2016 (or want to re-live the magic) we’ve posted some video highlights from the night, starting with our middle school student, Ahani, kicking the event off with a bang.

Next up was Aracely, a college student at The New School in New York, who will become the first person in her family to graduate from college later this year.

Finally, our awardee, Bozoma Saint John, inspired students, parents, supporters, volunteers, and staff with her keynote speech about the importance of education and passion.


If you want to see all our photos from Cap & Gown 2016, or download a hi-resolution copy for yourself, please visit our flickr page.

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First Graduate® has helped more than 600 students in San Francisco to access college, with 75% of applicants graduating within six years.