Volunteer Stories: David Hilario

When did you first get involved with First Graduate?

I got involved with First Graduate® when I selected the organization as my charity to raise money for when I ran the San Francisco Marathon in June 2013.

What inspired you to get involved?

I chose First Graduate® because I was the first in my family to graduate. I dedicated the marathon to my father who passed away in 2004. He really instilled the importance of finishing school and First Graduate® was perfect fit to represent our journey.

What kind of opportunities have you been involved with at First Graduate?

I am currently an Academic Coach and have assisted with interviewing potential First Graduate® students during a Discovery Day event.

Take us behind the scenes. Tell us about an experience you had while volunteering that made you realize you were making a difference.

Every time I volunteer, I always see how I’m making a difference. Whether it’s helping a student work through a problem or sharing my education experience; I feel like every action I take is an opportunity to help the students make the right decisions about their future.

What pieces of wisdom would you share with new volunteers or community members who are interested in supporting First Graduate?

There are fewer places better than First Graduate® to make a donation whether it be time or money. It is an investment not only in the children, but our future and our community. Even the greatest leaders need a little guidance, and First Graduate® offers that in many ways.

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Alex grew up in a struggling San Francisco community. His school had poor test scores, and Alex and the other students had to deal with racism even within the school community.


Saying “no” to hate and racism

Dear Friends, First Graduate® has been active on Twitter because we believed that the platform was a good way to connect with our community–our students, our donors, our partners, and our volunteers. It has become clear lately that hate, racism, and sanctioned disinformation endanger the lives of people everywhere and we can not continue legitimizing