We welcome all, because we are one

The decision by the President to rescind DACA is shameful and immoral. We stand by our students, 12% of whom are Dreamers. For the last 400 years, this country has been built by immigrants. The president’s own family includes immigrants. Now, he seeks to deny the rights and privileges enjoyed by 800,000 people, primarily under age 25, who were brought here as children—many of them fleeing repressive regimes—or who were born here.

DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, and since 2012 it has allowed immigrant youth brought to the U.S. as children to work legally, apply for driver’s licenses, attend school and live free from the fear of deportation. There are bipartisan bills currently in both houses of Congress that would improve DACA and put these students on the path to legalization and eventual citizenship. We encourage and applaud the congress people who are working on behalf of these stalwart, dedicated youth who deserve every opportunity that this country has to offer.

We will keep students and parents informed of developments related to this legislation, and will provide resources to answer your questions. Congress has until March 5, 2018 to enact legislation that will improve or replace DACA,and we are supporting organizations that are working to help move this legislation forward.

In the meantime, we will work to ensure that getting to and through college is our students’ first priority. Obtaining a college degree is one action that can guarantee a better life for students and their families. Before DACA, students successfully graduated from college and are engaged in careers, building their own businesses, and joining growing entrepreneurships. This will continue—and we are here to make sure of it.

To our students and families, know that we are with you and stand by you. To our donors, supporters, community and corporate funders, and foundation leaders, you mean the world to our students and to First Graduate® as an organization. Philanthropy means “love of humankind,” and we rely on your generosity of resources, of your time, and of your talent to help give all our students the opportunity to attain a college degree and continue to make this country, and this world, better for us all.

We welcome all, regardless of race, ethnicity, or country of origin.
We welcome all, regardless of gender, sexual preference, or pronoun of choice.
We welcome all, regardless of religion, creed, belief, or worship practice.
We welcome all, regardless of physical condition or ability or age.
No matter the factors that may make you feel “other,” you are welcome here.

We welcome all, because we believe that we are one. Thank you for standing with us and with our students. 

In solidarity,

Terri Forman, MSOD, CFRE
Interim Executive Director

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Despite how difficult they can be to get, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of scholarships. Especially for a first-generation student, a scholarship can be the difference between being able to go to college and not.


Despite how difficult they can be to get, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of scholarships. Especially for a first-generation student, a scholarship can be the difference between being able to go to college and not.


First Graduate® has helped more than 600 students in San Francisco to access college, with 75% of applicants graduating within six years.