Op-Ed: Why We Must Fund the Knowledge Economy
In his 2012 State of the Union address, President Obama said “higher education can’t be a luxury—it’s an economic imperative that every family in America should be able to afford.” But the hard truth is that it’s not. And it won’t be until we make some changes and view higher education as an investment in
Cap & Gown 2009
Over 250 people attended to celebrate our First In Family awardee, Sara Martinez Tucker, former CEO of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund and Under Secretary of Education, our third class of students to graduate from high school and enter college, and our eight years of work to help more students become the first in their families
Celebrating Our Newest College-Bound Students
Congratulations are definitely in order for the students of FG3, our high school seniors who will be heading off to college in the fall: Ananta Ahmed — Sonoma State Adriana Canchola — SF State Anjie Diaz — Barnard College Isidro Fajardo — UC Santa Cruz Maria Teresa Gallardo — SF State Oscar Luna — Cal
Exploring the Possibilities
Exploring the Possibilities, which took place on May 20, 2009, was an innovative career exploration event designed to provide students of low-income and non-college educated families with an opportunity to learn about how a college education opens up career opportunities. A collaborative venture of First Graduate® and the local alumni clubs of Harvard, Stanford and Georgetown
Preview of Cap & Gown 2009
In preparation for CAP & GOWN, First Graduate® students provided a light-hearted commentary on being the first in the world to accomplish something in this short two-minute video.