Bigger Dreams, Bigger Challenges: Preparing to be a First Gen College Student

In First Graduate® Advisory at James Denman Middle School, 7th graders invest in their futures by strengthening the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in middle school, high school, college and career. The first step on their road to success is developing an understanding of what it means to be a first-generation college student, and what to expect on the journey.

Students began First Graduate® Advisory this fall by reflecting on the truth that first generation college students must dream bigger than their peers, and may also face bigger challenges. After reflecting on this, students identified their own biggest dreams and biggest anticipated challenges in their futures as first-generation college students.

In an activity called Dream Balloons, students wrote their dreams on balloons to represent the soaring heights of their goals. Common dreams throughout the class included “Support my family,” “Graduate from college,” “Travel,” “Have a good career” and “Help others”. They shared out their dreams to the class, and took the balloons home with them to share with their families.

The following week, in an activity called Dream Smashers, students played an outdoor balloon-popping game in which they visualized the challenges that might try to weigh down or pop their dream balloons in the future. Example challenges included “No experience with the college process,” “Troubles at home,” “English as a second language,” and “Financial issues.”

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