First Graduate® Coach 3.0 Pilot Program

Coaching 3.0 1First Graduate® piloted a new college program earlier this week that we’re calling “Coach 3.0.”

What is Coach 3.0?

Coach 3.0 is a new approach we’ve devised to help our college students get the assistance they need from volunteers with the ultimate goal of keeping their grade point average above a 3.0.

How does it work?

A select group of our current college students will be strategically matched with a Coach 3.0 volunteer for 1:1 coaching. The coaching will take place primarily over the phone, virtually and in-person when possible. For the initial conversation, coaches and students will have either an in-person or phone conversation. The remainder of the process can unfold via e-mail, phone, text messages, Google hangouts, etc. Students and coaches are encouraged to get into a rhythm that works best.

What are the goals of Coach 3.0?

  • To cultivate an authentic relationship as the basis for understanding the importance of a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • The strategic use of relevant resources as tools for achieving a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • To create a WorkPlan (a detailed document with hard deadlines, resources and meeting timeline) to obtain a minimum 3.0 GPA

At the Coach 3.0 orientation First Graduate® staff trained 11 our of volunteers on the various stages of coaching, coaching methodology, communication best-practices, and how to deal with common bumps in the road. Also in attendance were 8 of the students that will be paired with a Coach 3.0.

There is much more to come on the Coach 3.0 pilot program, so stay tuned for updates.


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Alumni Spotlight: Leandro Guerrero

Born in Peru, Leandro moved to San Francisco as a child and attended Horace Mann Middle School and Lowell High School.
Leandro credits First Graduate® with teaching him valuable life skills, such as time management. He has fond memories of spending hours in the First Graduate® office, working with peers and staff to complete college applications ahead of school deadlines.

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